Welcome to Darkcity

Darkcity is currently in the middle of creation, a World full of stories that are gruesome and twisted where there never seems to be a happy ending. Darkcity takes place on Earth-03, where the rich corporations and monopolies run the world. Its a corrupt society, with air being barely breathable from polution and a heavy empasis on how every person lives in their personal hell, other then the powerful people that have so much money in their pockets they spend it on cars and stuff they dont need instead of helping out the mass homelessness and the climbing death rate for going hungry and commiting suicide.

If you didnt read the warnings on the entry page, then here it is again. Darkcity's storys are dark, touching on things that people dont usually like talking about. Each individual story will have their own list of trigger warnings, which i will show. But in general, these stories are not meant for the sensitive. These are for Mature audiences, viewers discretion is advised. Whatever mature means to you, but dont say i didnt warn you. This stuff is fucked up, and alot of characters you'll want to have a happy ending wont get it.

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